Your pumps are only as good as the last hose you fitted

27th May 2024

Your pumps are only as good as the last hose you fitted

Written by Verder Pumps South Africa MD Darryl Macdougall

In today's rapidly evolving mining landscape, the imperative to accelerate production and increase profitability remains a constant challenge. Meeting escalating demands necessitates innovative solutions, with peristaltic pumps emerging as a standout technology. These pumps offer linear performance, translating speed directly into flow, facilitating the transfer of high viscosity, high density and abrasive fluids, as well as chemicals, with sustained efficiency. Their reliability, versatility, exceptional volumetric efficiency, low energy consumption, and minimal ownership costs position them as the preferred choice for mining houses seeking enhanced production capabilities without significant infrastructure overhauls.

Central to the performance of peristaltic pumps is the construction of the pump hose, which serves as the pump's core component. Prominent manufacturer Verderflex emphasises the durability of its pump hoses, particularly the surface finish and material composition, setting Verder’s original equipment manufacturer (OEM) hoses apart from competitors. While other manufacturers may offer hoses with different combinations of materials, Verderflex's hoses maintain a superior standard.

System design also significantly influences hose longevity. Factors such as static system conditions, suction and discharge architecture, pulsation, operational pressure, fluid properties and pump speed collectively impact hose performance. It is crucial to recognise that peristaltic pump systems require unique pressure calculations, differing from conventional pumps.

Selecting the right hose material is crucial, and understanding the system's operational context is vital for optimising hose life. Taking a holistic view of the pump solution that includes hose quality is the key to extracting optimal performance from both elements. Verder’s superior hose surface finish, construction and rubber selection, enhance hose elasticity and mechanical capabilities and using these OEM hoses with your peristaltic pump solution should be non-negotiable.

The hazards of conceding to use non-OEM hoses can be demonstrated in a recent case study involving a large copper producer. Opting for non-OEM hoses led to frequent failures, production stoppages, increased maintenance, and enlarged manpower requirements. Replacing them with Verder OEM hoses resulted in sustained operation without failures, highlighting the cost-effectiveness and reliability of its OEM products.

Verderflex hoses are manufactured to precise specifications, ensuring consistent wall thickness and proper embedding of reinforcing fibres. Their textured finish enhances lubricant adhesion, reducing surface friction and temperatures. Correctly chosen pulsation dampeners and other technical considerations further contribute to hose longevity and minimise unplanned stoppages.

Verderflex hoses are easily identifiable by clear color-coded markings and branding, ensuring authenticity and quality assurance. Investing in OEM hoses guarantees reliability, performance and longevity, ultimately minimising operational disruptions and associated costs.

While installing non-OEM hoses as cost-saving measures may be tempting, compromising on these essential components can prove to be a costly mistake in the long run. The pump solution you have installed is dependent on the quality of the hoses to deliver at its peak. Prioritising quality, reliability and compatibility ensures seamless operations and optimised production output, safeguarding against downtime and unnecessary expenses. Verder's commitment to superior hose construction and OEM specifications reflects its dedication to providing reliable and long-lasting solutions for industrial pumping needs.