Water dept procurement processes to be reviewed

13th October 2016 By: SANews, SA government news service

Water and Sanitation Minister Nomvula Mokonyane has appointed a task team to review procurement processes in the department.

Minister Mokonyane made the announcement during a media briefing on Wednesday at her office.

The task team is expected to report its findings to the Minister within six months. The team is also expected to periodically provide preliminary reports, which may warrant action from the Minister even before the final report is submitted.

The task team will be led by Advocate Terry Motau SC and its terms of reference will include:
Review contracts concluded from June 1, 2014 to date;
Review contracts concluded before June 1, 2014 that are still running/open;
Determine value for money on contracts concluded;
Check compliance with PFMA and SCM Framework;
Assess the extent to which the department has benefited the previously disadvantaged: the youth, women and people with disabilities;
Interview any individual whether internal or external of the Department to seek clarification on any matter that shall have arisen out of the probity process;
Evaluate the alignment and the efficacy of internal systems to the revised Strategic Plan of the Department; and
Make recommendations to the Minister.

Mokonyane said instances of maladministration, wherever they are found, directly undermine the ability of the department to effectively fulfil its functions and constitutional obligations and cannot be tolerated.

"Where it is shown that any of the officials has infringed the relevant law, I will apply appropriate disciplinary measures, and the culprits will be reported to law enforcement agencies, if there is a cause to do so.

“It is my responsibility as the Minister to demonstrate that we are good custodians of public funds,” she said.

She encouraged members of the public and department officials, who have information on irregularities, to come forward and make submissions and representations to the task team