Vesconite's innovative solutions for rolling stock wear enhance rail efficiency

30th April 2024

Vesconite's innovative solutions for rolling stock wear enhance rail efficiency

Rolling stock operators face a common challenge of significant wear on wheels and rails, leading to frequent and expensive maintenance. Local bearings manufacturer Vesconite - Rail Chief Operating Officer Zané Easton explains that innovative materials and solutions such as Vesconite’s  Hilube 10 and Hilube 20 can contribute to reducing wear and optimising the performance of train components.

She highlights the critical role of minimising maintenance costs for expensive components like wheels and rails. “Precautions such as gauge face lubrication, higher quality materials, and on-track monitoring can be employed. However, a standout strategy is the implementation of low friction self-lubricating centre liners,” she notes.

Easton delves into the impact of Vesconite materials on enhancing train rides and extending the life of components, noting specifically the focus on cup liners that reduce friction between wagon centre pins and  bogie bolster bowls, which results in smoother pivoting and alignment.

“This alignment is crucial for minimising wear, especially flange wear, during navigation through curves,” she explains.

She points to a customer example from Europe, where Vesconite liners demonstrated a significant reduction in flange wear compared with traditional liners.

“The solid lubrication of Vesconite materials ensures consistent low friction throughout the operational life, unlike liquid lubrication which diminishes over time,” she emphasises.

Additionally, Vesconite's homogenous, self-lubricating centre liners maintain their low friction properties from the start of operations to a million kilometers into service, unlike liquid lubrication. The Vesconite materials thus contribute significantly to extended service life and operational efficiency for rolling stock operators.

Bimat Liner

The Bimat liner, which is specifically tailored to client specifications, combines the ultra-low friction of Vesconite’s  Superlube for flat liners and the high impact resistance of Hilube 20 for vertical liners.

“This unique design provides operators with optimal performance under different loading conditions, addressing both wear and impact challenges,” notes Easton.

Meanwhile, Vesconite’s  Superlube is specified for optimal performance of rolling stock. Vesconite  Superlube, which is specifically designed for the railway industry, optimises  bogie steering, reduces wheel wear and maintains stability in train components. The material's ultra-low coefficient of friction, high load-carrying capacity and low stick slip contribute to smooth movement and long-lasting train parts.

Easton comments that Vesconite's innovative materials, including  Superlube, Hilube 10 and Hilube 20, are making significant strides in addressing wear and maintenance challenges in rolling stock.

“Vesconite’s commitment to collaboration with clients and solving industry challenges positions it as a key player in the evolution of rail technology. We look forward to future developments in this exciting field,” she concludes.