Think tank outlines five priorities for new government and for shaping coalition talks

5th June 2024 By: Terence Creamer - Creamer Media Editor

Think tank outlines five priorities for new government and for shaping coalition talks

CDE executive director Ann Bernstein
Photo by: Creamer Media Chief Photographer Donna Slater

The Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE) has released a list of five priorities for South Africa’s yet-to-be-formed new government and which the think tank also argues should help guide ongoing coalition negotiations.

The priorities have been canvassed with various business, academic and civil-society stakeholders and have been packaged into what CDE has dubbed ‘Agenda 2024’, and include:

During a virtual launch, executive director Ann Bernstein described Agenda 2024 as an urgent reform programme for dealing with the country’s most pressing challenges in a way that could arrest South African’s “terminal decline”.

She also argued that the current negotiations for a new governing arrangement should not be only about power, politics and positions.

“These discussions need to go beyond what a new government will look like and include what this new government will do once in office,” she argued.

In a forthright opening address, leading business personality Reuel Khoza also underlined the importance of visionary and ethical leadership in navigating the immediate political perils of coalition building and in driving an agenda in the interest of the common good.

Khoza bemoaned the hijacking of the South African vision of 1994 by corrupt, unethical and incompetent leaders, including “betrayers of our world-acclaimed Constitution and saboteurs of the institutional forms that underpin our democracy”.

“We yearn for a leadership that is visionary, and as passionate as it is compassionate.

South Africa is a political economy in a global context [and] the leadership that we seek should do nothing that will frighten foreign direct investment and cause capital flight.”