Tarragona hydrogen plant, Spain

1st March 2024 By: Sheila Barradas - Creamer Media Research Coordinator & Senior Deputy Editor

Tarragona hydrogen plant, Spain

Name of the Project
Tarragona hydrogen plant.

An industrial area in Vallmoll, Catalonia, Spain.

Project Owner/s

Project Description
The project entails the development of Lhyfe’s first green hydrogen production site in Spain. The project will include a 5 t/d green hydrogen plant.

The plant will address demand for green hydrogen from different industrial companies in the area.

Potential Job Creation
Not stated.

Capital Expenditure
The project has been awarded a grant of up to €14-million from the H2 Pioneros programme.

The grant represents about half of the total estimated investment in the project, and will fund the design phases, the supply of equipment and construction work.

Planned Start/End Date
The first kilograms of green hydrogen are expected to be produced in 2026.

Latest Developments
None stated.

Key Contracts, Suppliers and Consultants
None stated.

Contact Details for Project Information
Nouvelles Graines – industry press relations, Clémence Rebours, on behalf of Lhyfe, tel +33 6 60 57 76 43 or email c.rebours@nouvelles-graines.com.