Skills training to keep up with mining technology advances

31st May 2024

Skills training to keep up with mining technology advances

Simulation equipment used in Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions training

The rapid development of mining technology necessitates continuous training to ensure that operators and maintenance teams keep up with the capabilities of mining equipment.

Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions says it uses interventions such as digital monitoring and gap analysis to customise training programmes to ensure their relevance and effectiveness.  

“Our strategic aim is always to ensure that the impact of our mining solutions is optimised through the expertise and capability of the staff who operate and maintain them,” says Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions operator and technical training manager Sipho Kunene. “This means focusing our training on the specific conditions and requirements of each customer and each site.”

Kunene highlights that advances in technology enable the company to tailor its skills development interventions by digitally monitoring its equipment during operation, gathering crucial data and subjecting this to analytical examination.

“By having this accurate data input, we can identify where there might be gaps in an operator’s performance,” he explains. “The training can then be designed to address particular areas to be improved – so that there is a direct impact on the results achieved. This monitoring capability is already built into our i-Series intelligent equipment ranges.”

Kunene notes that training begins in the classroom, where learners are orientated on elements such as the equipment’s operating features and safety aspects. This provides a foundation for the more practical aspects of the training which follow.

“An important advantage of our training capabilities is our advanced simulation equipment,” he says. “This allows learners to experience a realistic working environment while not compromising the safety of workers or risking damage to the equipment itself."

Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions also has a portable simulator that can be transported to mines for use on-site. Once trainees are proficient on a simulator, they move onto practical training on real machines.

Assessments are conducted at various stages of the training process and certificates of competence are awarded on successful completion.

Kunene notes that South Africa faces a general skills challenge in relation to fast changing technology trends – in mining as in other sectors. The traditional diesel mechanic skill set, for instance, is often no longer sufficient in an environment where diesel-driven machines are increasingly incorporating electronic and digital components.

“The move to battery-powered machines is also well advanced within Sandvik,” he says. “Our in-house skills base reflects this shift, and we want to support our customers in building their own expertise.”

The company highlights that it has moved towards developing a ‘second trade’ among its artisans, encompassing the upskilling of traditional trades such as millwright or electrician, to ensure that their skill set is suited to changing needs. The company also collaborates with the Tshwane University of Technology to put the relevant staff and trainers through a programme in mechatronics.