Sabodala-Massawa mine solar photovoltaic plant, Senegal

25th August 2023 By: Sheila Barradas - Creamer Media Research Coordinator & Senior Deputy Editor

Sabodala-Massawa mine solar photovoltaic plant, Senegal

Name of the Project
Sabodala-Massawa mine solar photovoltaic (PV) plant.

Kedegou region, Senegal.

Project Owner/s
Endeavour Mining.

Project Description
Endeavour has decided to move ahead with the 37 MWp PV solar facility, capable of generating about 73 GWh/y solar energy, at its Sabodala-Massawa mine.

The solar plant will complement the 36 MW heavy-fuel oil power plant that is being expanded as part of a brownfield expansion at the mine. A 16 MW battery system will also be built to regulate power supply and ensure that fewer generators are required.

Potential Job Creation
Not stated.

Capital Expenditure
The capital for the solar facility is expected to amount to $55-million.

Planned Start/End Date
The project is expected to be commissioned in early 2025.

Latest Developments
None stated.

Key Contracts and Suppliers
Dornier Suntrace (engineer).

Contact Details for Project Information
Endeavour Mining, tel +44 203 011 2723 or email