Rooiwal Wastewater Works repair and upgrade, South Africa

15th September 2023 By: Sheila Barradas - Creamer Media Research Coordinator & Senior Deputy Editor

Rooiwal Wastewater Works repair and upgrade, South Africa

Name of the Project
Rooiwal Waste Water Works repair and upgrade.

Hammanskraal, in Tshwane, Gauteng, South Africa.

Project Owner/s
Department of Water (DWS) and Sanitation, and the City of Tshwane.

Project Description
The Rooiwal Waste Water Works has not been well-maintained for many years, and has insufficient capacity to deal with the volume of wastewater entering its works.

The plan is to repair and upgrade the works in three phases.

The first phase will be to complete the repair project started by the city, which is at 68% completion.

The repair work will result in improved quality of effluent from the works.

Phase 2 will involve upgrading the plant’s treatment capacity by 50 Mℓ/d of wastewater, coupled with desilting of sludge at the Leeukraal dam.

The desilting of the dam will enable the Temba Water Treatment Works to function better and produce drinking water that meets minimum standards.

The third phase will involve adding a further 80 Mℓ/d of capacity to the plant.

The current capacity of the plant is 250 Mℓ/d. After phases 2 and 3, it will improve to a capacity of 380 Mℓ/d.

This will be sufficient to treat the current and future projected wastewater load in Hammanskraal.

Potential Job Creation
Not stated.

Capital Expenditure
About R4-billion.

Planned Start/End Date
Construction on the first phase is planned to start in September 2023 and end in November 2024. Phase 2 is planned to start in October 2024 and end in June 2025. Third-phase construction is planned to start in July 2024 and end in June 2026.

Latest Developments
None stated.

Key Contracts, Suppliers and Consultants
None stated.

Contact Details for Project Information
DWS spokesperson Wisane Mavasa, cell +27 60 561 8935.
City of Tshwane, tel +27 12 358 9999.