RocketNet celebrates 7 years of connecting South Africans to fast, reliable internet 

19th April 2023

Gauteng-based internet service provider (ISP), RocketNet celebrates its seven-year anniversary this month. Founded in 2016, RocketNet has built a solid market presence by consistently growing its FTTH (fibre-to-the-home) subscriber base across South Africa. 

Having built a positive reputation for customer service, RocketNet ranks fifth on HelloPeter in the ISP category and is one of the few ISPs to have a positive net promoter score on the infamous customer review platform. Furthermore, RocketNet has been ranked a top performer on speed delivery amidst the up-and-coming ISP players.

“We have established ourselves in this market as an intuitive, high-speed fibre internet provider offering unlimited bandwidth to customers. We are driven by the belief that internet is a basic human right and we continue to produce out-of-the-box ways to offer fibre internet to high and low-income communities alike. For us, giving South Africans online experiences that only fibre internet can deliver, is a calling,” said Simon Swanepoel, CEO of RocketNet.  

Swanepoel is one of South Africa’s youngest tech entrepreneurs. He started RocketNet in 2010 using his previous telecommunications business, Directel as an incubator. Seven years later RocketNet continues to make its mark in the fibre market, providing customised and flexible internet services to their customers.

“We have worked tirelessly at becoming known as the most reliable ISP within the industry. Our customer testimonials, like on Hello Peter, are proof that our commitment to putting the customer first is bearing fruit. Consistency in top-notch service delivery, our solid team with a diverse and inclusive work culture and driving tech-innovation are three prongs in our business creating seamless online experiences for our customers,” said Swanepoel.

RocketNet has no intention of slowing down and believes its future in South Africa is bright. The vision is to continue rolling out fibre internet services across South Africa while maintaining a personalised, hands-on customer care approach. Furthermore, this month RocketNet has promised some exciting product offers to customers in celebration of this seven-year milestone.

“We are very proud of the solid foundation and brand we have built in the FTTH market in the space of seven short years. We are looking forward to multiplying our success in the next seven years and the seven after that,” concluded Swanepoel.