Replace red tape with red carpet and mines will gleefully provide the electricity we need

30th September 2022 By: Martin Creamer - Creamer Media Editor

Replace red tape with red carpet and mines will gleefully provide the electricity we need

There is nothing more off-putting than needless red tape and there is nothing more encouraging than a government rolling out the red carpet to would-be investors. Red tape kills the growth and jobs that red carpet treatment boosts.

South Africa is immediately short of 6 000 MW of electricity and South Africa’s mines have a list of 6 000 MW of power projects in which they are prepared to invest R100-billion immediately. For once, give the mines red carpet treatment and everyone in South Africa will benefit without costing the fiscus a single cent.

Mines that have bankable renewable energy projects are smiling broadly. They all report that the business case that self-generation presents is beyond compelling. They are all dead keen to press ahead at lightning speed if the system will let them.