RC 700 Wear Liner Plate: Your Ultimate Solution for Enhanced Durability and Performance!

28th June 2024

RC 700 Wear Liner Plate: Your Ultimate Solution for Enhanced Durability and Performance!

( Virtual Showroom ) R-C700 is a critical component used in various industries to protect machinery and equipment from wear and tear caused by abrasive materials. R-C 700 liner plates are typically used in heavy-duty applications, including mining, construction, and material handling, where equipment is exposed to significant friction and impact. Below is an overview of R-C700 wear liner plates, their properties, applications, and benefits.

Overview of R-C700 Wear Liner Plates


1. Material Composition:

2. Hardness:

3. Thickness and Sizes:


1. Mining:

2. Construction:

3. Material Handling:

4. Cement Industry:


1. Extended Equipment Life:

2. Cost Savings:

3. Performance Enhancement:

4. Customizability:

“Our R-C 700 Long-life liners outlast Q+T (Quenched and Tempered) liners by 5-8 times. Therefore, they create a 7 times smaller Carbon footprint per application. In other words, R- C 700 only needs to be replaced once for every 7 times in Q+T, thereby reducing the Carbon footprint by 80 per cent.