Nuclear fuel facility, UK

14th June 2024 By: Sheila Barradas - Creamer Media Research Coordinator & Senior Deputy Editor

Nuclear fuel facility, UK

Name of the Project
Nuclear fuel facility.

Urenco’s Capenhurst enrichment site, in Cheshire, in the north-west of England, in the UK.

Project Owner/s

Project Description
The project involves the construction of an advanced nuclear fuel facility. This will help to facilitate the UK Department of Energy Security and Net Zero’s high assay low enriched uranium (HALEU) programme.

HALEU is uranium enriched up to 20% and will be needed to fuel advanced reactor designs, providing clean, cheap and secure nuclear energy.

Urenco’s facility will have the capacity to produce up to ten tons a year of HALEU by 2031, which could contain as much energy as one-million tons of coal.

The project includes the development of deconversion capability, which, after enrichment, converts the uranium into a form to be made into fuel.

Potential Job Creation
The project will support 400 highly skilled jobs.

Capital Expenditure
The UK government awarded Urenco £196-million to build the facility in May 2024. Funding for the project is subject to final approvals.

Planned Start/End Date
Fuel production is expected to start by 2031.

Latest Developments
None stated.

Key Contracts, Suppliers and Consultants
None stated.

Contact Details for Project Information
Urenco, tel +44 1753 660 705 or email