Natural gas pipeline, Tanzania

27th January 2012 By: Lisete Bigala

Name and Location
Natural gas pipeline (NGP), Tanzania.

Project Description
The project includes the construction of a 531-km-long NGP and the construction of two gas processing plants.

The gas pipeline will be built from Mnazi Bay, in the Mtwara region, and Songo Songo, in the Kilwa district, to Dar es Salaam.

The project will boost gas supply, as well as reduce or end the power supply problem in the country.

The project is valued at $1.06-billion.

Construction is expected to be completed in March 2013.

The Tanzania government.

Key Contracts and Suppliers
The China Development Bank, or CDB (finance), China Petroleum & Technology Development Company (CPTDC) and the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (project managers).

Latest Developments
Tanzania’s government has signed a loan agreement with the CDB for more than $1-billion. Part of the loan, $300-million, will be used to construct processing plants at Mnazi Bay.

Construction of the NGP was expected to start in November 2011, when Chinese experts would begin evaluating the project.

On Budget and on Time?
Too early to state.

Contact Details for Project Information
CDB, tel +86 10 683 066 88, fax +86 10 683 066 99 or email
CPTDC, tel +86 10 635 915 20, fax +86 10 635 915 00 or email
Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation, tel +255 22 2200 103/104/112, fax +255 22 2200 113 or email