Military-grade hearing protection for the mining industry

26th February 2021

Military-grade hearing protection for the mining industry

AMP communication headsets available from Hear Technologies Group

SPONSORED POST: Advanced 3-D hear-through (3DHT) technology and hearing protection offered by the Ops-Core Adaptive Mission Platform (AMP) communication headsets, are seen as a potential game-changer in the mining industry, offering improved safety and more effective communication between personnel.

The system leverages the industry-leading capabilities of parent-company Gentex corporation, which boasts industrial and military-grade safety hearing protection and world-class audio quality.

3DHT functionality restores and enhances so-called ‘natural hearing’ of the outside environment, to ensure improved situational awareness and safety. The ear-simulator design reproduces ambient sounds with a high degree of directional accuracy, while providing exceptional hearing protection.

The modular headsets can be configured to meet a wide range of needs, for optimal flexibility and performance. Options include headband or helmet-mounted use, single or double hearing protection, single and multi-channel communications and interchangeable skin sets. Optional near field magnetic induction, or NFMI, earplugs are also available, are wireless and do not require batteries.

Additional features include:

The AMP communication headsets are available from Western Cape-based Hear Technologies Group.