Master’s programme meets industry demands

10th May 2024

Master’s programme meets industry demands

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Demand is growing in the mining industry for professionals equipped with the skills needed to navigate digital transformation

Tertiary education institute University of Pretoria (UP) is addressing the growing demand for skilled professionals, including those in the rapidly evolving mining industry, through its Masters in Technology and Innovation Management (MTIM) programme.

UP Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM) chairperson Professor Elma van der Lingen explains that the fusion of technology and innovation has emerged as a cornerstone for organisational success.

She elaborates that, as industries grapple with the challenges of digital transformation, there is a growing demand for professionals equipped with the knowledge and skills to navigate this complex terrain.

An MTIM offers a strategic pathway for individuals looking to harness the power of technology and drive innovation within organisations.

The MTIM degree has several advantages, from specialised knowledge to problem-solving skills and strategic thinking.

The MTIM programme equips professionals with the tools and mindset needed to thrive in today’s technology-driven world and unlock the power of innovation.

Further, the programme delves into the intricacies of managing technology and innovation, equipping its graduates with a deep understanding of emerging technological trends, innovation processes, and their integration into business strategies.

The MTIM programme is popular with mining engineers and scientists, enabling them, for example, to develop technology roadmaps aligned with organisational strategy and construct and manage resulting project portfolios.

The GSTM’s MTIM programme is developed to attract working professionals in the mining industry with an engineering or science background. The degree is offered part-time in block weeks and synchronous online format to accommodate employees worldwide.