Contract for Malawi road traffic system upgrade awarded

12th September 2014 By: Marcel Chimwala - Creamer Media Correspondent

The Malawi government has awarded the Fischer Consortium, of South Africa, the contract to upgrade the Malawi Road Traffic Information System.

The Directorate of Road Traffic and Safety Services at Malawi’s Ministry of Transport and Public Works says Fischer Consortium was awarded the contract following a competitive bidding process in which 12 firms took part.

“Having awarded the contract to the success-ful bidder, it is expected that the process of upgrading the traffic information system will be completed by February 2015,” says the directorate.

Once it has been upgraded, the system will enhance the directorate’s operations. It will have new features, including e-traffic management, which will enable the directorate to electronically identify traffic violations and authenticate all output documents, such as certificates of fitness for vehicles, local and international road service permits and driver’s licences.

The new system will enable the automation of existing links with entities like banks, the Malawi Revenue Authority, insurance companies and the police.
It will also enhance security by producing documentation with advanced security features that cannot be forged or replicated, promoting transparency by tracking all transactions performed by users and administrators and generating transaction audit trail reports.

“The upgraded system will improve efficiency by reducing congestion through the provision of mobile road traffic services, even in remote areas,” says the directorate.