Local infrastructure development uplifts community

22nd November 2023

Local infrastructure development uplifts community

The Msikaba project has led to local job creation

Local road infrastructure connected to the Msikaba Bridge project in the Eastern Cape has helped to create sustainable growth and development of the surrounding community.

Concor Moto-Engil Joint Venture (CMEJV) project director Laurence Savage says that while the primary purpose of the project was to provide secondary access routes to and from the Msikaba Bridge, it had many positive spin-offs for the community.  

“Firstly, these routes provide seamless access for the local communities, eliminating previous barriers and promoting integration. Secondly, they pave the way for potential economic upliftment. With enhanced connectivity, sectors like tourism now stand to gain immensely, opening the region to new possibilities,” Savage explains.

The upliftment projects include the rehabilitation of surfaced roads, re-graveling existing sandy terrains, the incorporation of stormwater facilities, and geo-cell installations which incorporate three-dimensional cellular structures to strengthen foundation grids.

Savage says the greatest benefit lies in the project's socio-economic impact. “Over 40 local subcontractors were involved, illustrating an unwavering commitment to integrating local expertise and manpower.”

He says the involvement of the South African National Roads Agency Limited (Sanral) and the CMEJV brought a ray of hope to a place where economic activity has been bleak. “Sanral has not just driven the development of roads but has also actively contributed to job creation in a region that desperately needs it.”

Savage says that an environment-friendly approach was adopted with bush clearing activities involving local small, medium-sized and microenterprises, further fostering job creation.

“This initiative not only imparts technical skills but also fosters a culture of quality, financial responsibility and adept project management,” notes Savage.