Liquefied natural gas terminal, Kenya

25th November 2011 By: Lisete Bigala

Name and Location
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal, Kenya.

Project Description
The project includes the construction of an LNG terminal at the port city of Mombasa, which will have two storage tanks, each holding some 35 000 t of gas.

The project is in line with Kenya’s aim to raise power capacity to over 21 000 MW by 2030 by developing a mix of plants powered by hydro, wind, geothermal, coal and nuclear energy.

The estimated cost of the project is $500-million.

The LNG terminal will take three to five years to complete once tenders are awarded.

Kenya Ministry of Energy.

Key Contracts and Suppliers
None stated.

Latest Developments
The Ministry of Energy hopes to award a tender for the project by February 2012.

On Budget and on Time?
Too early to state.

Contact Details for Project Information
Kenya Ministry of Energy, tel +020 310 112, fax +020 222 8314 or email