Jackdaw gasfield development, UK

9th December 2022 By: Sheila Barradas - Creamer Media Research Coordinator & Senior Deputy Editor

Jackdaw gasfield development, UK

Name of the Project
Jackdaw gasfield development.

UK North Sea.

Project Owner/s
BG International, an affiliate of Shell UK.

Project Description
The Jackdaw development comprises a new wellhead platform, four production wells and a 31 km pipeline from the Jackdaw wellhead platform to Shell’s Shearwater gas hub. Peak production from the field is estimated at 40 000 bbl/d of oil equivalent.

Gas from the Jackdaw field will come ashore at St Fergus, where Shell is developing the Acorn carbon capture and storage project, which could sequester carbon dioxide from industrial clusters in Scotland, the UK and northern Europe.

Potential Job Creation
Not stated.

Capital Expenditure
Jackdaw is part of Shell UK’s broader intent to invest £20- to £25-billion in the UK energy system in the next decade, with the aim of investing 75% in the development of low- and zero-carbon products and services.

Planned Start/End Date
The project is expected to come online in the mid-2020s.

Latest Developments
BG International has made a final investment decision to develop the Jackdaw gasfield, following regulatory approval earlier this year.

Key Contracts, Suppliers and Consultants
None stated.

Contact Details for Project Information
Shell media relations (international), tel +44 207 934 5550.