ICMM highlights tailings safety on Brumadinho anniversary

21st June 2024

ICMM highlights tailings safety on Brumadinho anniversary

SETTING THE PRECEDENT The Brumadinho tailings dam collapse has necessitated the requirement of achieving zero harm to people and the environment

The fifth anniversary of the Brumadinho tailings dam collapse serves as a “powerful reminder” to all mining industry stakeholders about the tragic consequences of accidents and highlights the need to remain focused on improving how tailings facilities are managed across the entire industry, reports mining industry body International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM).

A tailings dam collapsed at copper and nickel miner Vale’s Córrego do Feijao mine in Brumadinho, Brazil, in January 2019, resulting in multiple fatalities and triggering a global relook into tailings storage facility management and security.

“We remember the victims of this devastating tragedy, and our thoughts are always with the families who have suffered and continue to suffer an immeasurable loss as a result,” states the ICMM.

As an immediate response, the ICMM, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) co-convened a multi-stakeholder review that led to the development of the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM).

GISTM, highlights the ICMM, sets a high standard for the mining industry, with 77 requirements integrating social, environmental, local, economic and technical considerations towards achieving the goal of zero harm to people and the environment.

The ICMM reports that members committed to conform with the GISTM for tailings facilities classified as “extreme” or “very high” consequences by August 2023, and all other facilities by August 2025.

“We are encouraged by the significant progress on implementation of the GISTM so far,” enthuses the ICMM.

“We have already seen transformative improvement across the global mining and metals sector as a result of wide adoption of the GISTM beyond ICMM companies. This includes the elevation of tailings management to the highest levels of company oversight and accountability, which has led to more transparent and meaningful engagement with key stakeholders,” reports the ICMM.

The ICMM has also been supporting the work of PRI and UNEP to establish a body that will oversee the adherence to the GISTM and promote its continued uptake.

The ICMM states that once established, the Global Tailings Management Institute will mark another milestone towards a shared goal of zero harm to people and the environment from tailings facilities.

While focusing on implementing the standard across its facilities, the ICMM will continue to examine innovative ways to reduce, or in some instances, even remove the need for tailings.

“Collaboration and strong leadership will be critical to this long-term goal,” the ICMM concludes.