Green Energy Oman, Oman

7th April 2023 By: Sheila Barradas - Creamer Media Research Coordinator & Senior Deputy Editor

Green Energy Oman, Oman

Name of the Project
Green Energy Oman (GEO).


Project Owner/s
InterContinental Energy, integrated energy company OQ, Kuwait State-owned clean energy company EnerTech, and oil and gas company Shell.

Project Description
GEO will be built in phases, with a capacity of up to 25 GW of upstream wind/solar, which equates to about 1.8-million tons a year of zero-carbon green hydrogen and up to ten-million tons a year of green ammonia.

Potential Job Creation
Not stated.

Capital Expenditure
Not stated.

Planned Start/End Date
Not stated.

Latest Developments
None stated.

Key Contracts, Suppliers and Consultants
None stated.

Contact Details for Project Information
InterContinental Energy, tel +65 6853 8553 or email