Green energy collaboration a must to reindustrialise South Africa

24th May 2024 By: Martin Creamer - Creamer Media Editor

Green energy collaboration a must to reindustrialise South Africa

The industrialisation that South Africa has lost in the last few decades can be more than regained by the country collaborating fully when it comes to green electrons, green molecules and the new global decarbonised era that presents a colossal economic opportunity. South Africa has the sun and the wind as well as the insight to make sure that the green electrons we are going to have in abundance are also converted into green molecules to protect South Africa’s exports from being punitively taxed as they cross into climate-protecting countries.

It is good to see that steps are being taken to grow the many skills that will be needed for the new green era as well as agree early that imported skills will be allowed. In addition, our platinum group metals (PGMs) mining companies are investing in marketing that simultaneously promotes PGM-catalysed electrolyser and hydrogen fuel cell technology, which in itself fosters local component manufacture and encourages the use of PGM-using machinery in our mines to meet climate-protecting imperatives. Calculations show that we are competitive in both the green electron and green molecule fields, which is a big plus.