Govt must give policy support to green reindustrialisation across full spectrum

31st May 2024 By: Martin Creamer - Creamer Media Editor

Govt must give policy support to green reindustrialisation across full spectrum

In the same way that South Africa’s green electron-providing sun and wind energy required policy certainty to stimulate the quick ramp-up of bankable projects by the private sector, green molecules that have the wherewithal to reindustrialise our economy across a very broad front also need policy support. If that policy support is highlighted, bankable green hydrogen projects will, once again, follow.

The green hydrogen frameworks that we know are being developed by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition and the Industrial Development Corporation need to be publicised to a far greater extent if they are going to help to create the jobs, reduce the inequality and lower the poverty level in South Africa.

The government of South Africa should take its cue from the government of Namibia, which is marketing the massive benefits of green electrons and green molecules very well. South Africa is also fortunate to have the Hive green hydrogen project in the Eastern Cape. The Hive developers should be encouraged so that they can show South Africa what needs to be done on the green molecules front.

Together with renewables, green hydrogen can add timely green value to South Africa’s steel, cement, glass, transport and very many other sectors. It can also add the jobs that will be lost in the move away from essential decarbonisastion.