Gordhan confirms De Ruyter spoke to him about corruption, but he could not act on 'allusions'

28th February 2023 By: News24Wire

 Gordhan confirms De Ruyter spoke to him about corruption, but he could not act on 'allusions'

Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan
Photo by: Reuters

Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan confirmed that former Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter spoke to him about corruption at the power utility, but never presented any evidence.

In an interview with Newzroom Afrika, Gordhan said: "Yes, he made allusions about certain individuals, but it was precisely that, allusions. And, as far as the law is concerned, or my understanding of the law is concerned, I can't just arbitrarily point to someone and say that person is involved... either being corrupt or involved in corruption," he said.

Gordhan said he could not act on speculation or rumour.

"If Mr De Ruyter has the evidence, which I don't know, he must take the initiative now and do that which is legally required of him... which is go to the law enforcement agency and give the evidence to them. Don't expect me, on the basis of some understanding and possible suspicion around individuals, to now say who it is.

"I don't want to be charged with defamation or anything like that. I don't have the evidence," he told the broadcaster.

De Ruyter was initially set to leave Eskom at the end of March, but late last Tuesday night it was announced that he was out with immediate effect.

This followed an explosive interview with e.tv's Annika Larsen, in which De Ruyter said a "senior politician" was involved in corruption at Eskom.

De Ruyter had resigned in December last year, but was persuaded to remain at the crumbling parastatal until 31 March.

Gordhan said that, before De Ruyter's interview with e.tv, "where he made ideological and all sorts of attacks on different individuals", he had spoken to De Ruyter and did not know why he made those allegations.

He said there was no "falling out" between them.

He said he visited De Ruyter and his family in the Western Cape "a while after" his "so-called" poisoning, as an "expression of solidarity". 

The minister said he had not seen any toxicology report to confirm the poisoning. 

He added that the Eskom board decided to intervene during Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana's budget speech.

He said De Ruyter was in the room when the board asked him what he had to say about the state of the power utility, to which he responded: "If you think I have embarrassed Eskom, I am willing to leave."

Gordhan said he did not just "hire and fire" people.

According to Gordhan, De Ruyter joined during a "recovery" time, after the state capture process, and that four ministers from the ANC government were responsible for appointing him as CEO.

Gordhan said he understood the frustration of South Africans and that those in charge must give attention to these matters, especially considering the negative impact on the economy. 

He told the broadcaster that he knew of the corruption at Eskom - and also referred to looting and corruption at other state-owned entities, such as Transnet and SARS, during state capture.

"I think anyone can be bribed if you are willing to be bribed, but, on the other hand, I think you need to give account of the fact that the police have discovered at least three of many, many yards where good coal leaves the mine, is deposited in this yard, mixed with bad coals or stones and then transported to the power station."