Fourth power project, Uganda

28th October 2011 By: Lisete Bigala

Name and Location
Fourth power project, Uganda.

Project Description
The project comprises a power system expansion and rehabilitation programme entailing the installation of two 40 MW generating units (Units 14 and 15) at the existing Kiira hydropower station.

The Nalubaale substations will also be rehabilitated, as well as existing transmission substations.

The project will include the construction of a 137 km transmission line and substations, providing technical assistance and the relocation of people to make way for the power line.

The project consists of four components. The first component will support power system expansion and rehabilitation; the project will finance the supply and installation of the power plant Units 14 and 15 at Kiira, system rehabilitation and institutional support.

The second component will finance procurement of required equipment for the implementation of the environmental monitoring plan and the recruitment of an environmental officer to oversee it.

The third component will support power sector development and reform through a study on water management at Lake Victoria, development of an energy end-use efficiency programme, yearly consumer satisfaction surveys, and sector studies and preparation of future projects.

The fourth component will support petroleum sector development and reform through the acquisition of petroleum product quality monitoring equipment and specialised advisory services to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD).

The project is valued at $120-million.

The project is expected to be completed in five years.

Uganda government.

Key Contracts and Suppliers
World Bank (finance).

Latest Developments
The World Bank has approved a $120-mil-lion loan to the Uganda government.

The government has begun the process of supplying 480 000 rural residents with electricity with the help of the Energy for Rural

Transformation programme. With the financial support of the World Bank, rural households will have increased access to adequate and reliable power supply.

More water will now be released through the country’s main hydropower dam, the Nalubaale, to generate an additional 40 MW of power.

The extra hydropower is expected to plug the deficit created after the government decommissioned one thermal power plant at Jinja, in eastern Uganda.

The country will be generating an estimated 747 MW by the end of 2011, up from last year’s 576 MW, according to the Energy Regulatory Authority.

On Budget and on Time?
Not stated.

Contact Details for Project Information
World Bank media officer Yoko Kobayashi, tel +202 458 2624 or email, or media chief David Theis, tel +202 458 8626 or email
MEMD, tel +256 41 431 1111, fax +256 41 423 4732 or email