Expo benefits from proven formula

7th June 2024 By: Lumkile Nkomfe - Creamer Media Reporter

Expo benefits from proven formula

MARK ANDERSON Compliance with health and safety regulations not only a legal requirement but also a demonstration of an organisation's commitment to ethical business practices and care for its workforce

Trade show organiser Specialised Exhibitions, a division of the Montgomery Group, says this year’s A-OSH EXPO – to be held from June 11 to 13 at the Gallagher Convention Centre – will follow a proven formula, highlighting the latest exhibitor products and services, to “[create] Africa’s most comprehensive source of occupational safety and health solutions”.

The expo aims to provide an interactive forum for the suppliers of occupational safety and health (OHS) products and services, which will present these solutions to an audience that is actively seeking ways of mitigating risk and remaining compliant with regulations.

Specialised Exhibitions notes that its visitor profile includes building and construction managers, equipment distributors, environmental services, government officials, health and safety consultants, manufacturing, industrial and mining managers, as well as safety, risk management, supply and logistics officers.

The company highlights that the learning experiences provided through the A-OSH EXPO are “unrivalled” in addressing current challenges and solutions.

One of the key focus areas will be on assessing the current OHS regulations.

Specialised Exhibitions portfolio director Mark Anderson points out that the New Products Display – situated on the walkway to the entrance of Hall 2 – will provide a glimpse into trending technologies.

The Saiosh Seminar Theatre is also “exceedingly popular”, and is often fully booked, with many visitors standing on the periphery during the sessions.

“The Working at Height and Safety Seminar Theatre, powered by SafetyCloud, provides another opportunity for visitors to learn about pertinent topics,” Anderson adds.

Given its co-location with Securex South Africa, Facilities Management Expo and Firexpo, the A-OSH EXPO enables visitors to source products under one roof, substantially reducing the time it takes to go from solution discovery to system implementation.

Anderson stresses

that a strong focus on health and safety enhances productivity by reducing downtime caused by accidents or illnesses, fostering a positive work culture, and boosting employee morale and retention.

“Compliance with health and safety regulations is not only a legal requirement but also a demonstration of an organisation’s commitment to ethical practices and care for its workforce.”


suggests there is a push towards more stringent enforcement of legislated regulations, which can be viewed as a positive measure for the industry.

There is an increasing drive to ensure that inspectors from the Department of Employment and Labour visit sites on a regular basis to ensure compliance.

Meanwhile, Anderson adds that health and safety professionals are entering a landscape characterised by advancements in technology, evolving work dynamics, and a heightened emphasis on the overall employee wellbeing.

“While there are many challenges, with foresight and an unwavering dedication to continual enhancement, OHS professionals can shape a bright and resilient future,” he concludes.