Everyone has a choice to indulge in corrupt behaviour or not – Gordhan

28th June 2019 By: Thabi Shomolekae - Creamer Media Senior Writer

Everyone has a choice to indulge in corrupt behaviour or not – Gordhan

Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordon

Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordon on Thursday evening distinguished between corruption as a concept and the moral choices made by individuals that enable corruption to take effect.

Gordon was joined by EOH CEO Stephen van Coller, EOH chief commercial officer Fatima Newman and National Director of Public Prosecution Advocate Shamila Batohi at the Daily Maverick Business Against Corruption summit, in Johannesburg,

EOH was a co-sponsor of the event, which brought together a host of luminaries in the public, private and NGO sectors to discuss issues that included the impact of corruption, the importance of facilitating whistleblowing and the responsibility of businesses to speak up against corruption.

Gordon said everyone had a choice to indulge in corrupt behaviour or not, adding that everyone also had a choice as to whether they wanted to be a whistleblower or not.

“You can choose to walk one road or another. But in every instance corruption comes about as a result of individuals making choices," he said.

Meanwhile, Newman dissected the role of leadership in inspiring moral choices, and the importance of moral integrity.

She explained that everyone had the capacity to lead, and moral leadership was everybody’s responsibility.

“Minister Gordhan made it clear that we all have choices, and leadership means making those choices loudly and courageously, sometimes those choices are unpopular, but we have to be the example that we want to see in others,” Newman said.

Batohi said all South Africans suffered under corruption, especially the poor who relied on State services such as healthcare, education and security for their wellbeing and survival.

“When corruption flourishes, there can be no meaningful economic growth, no sustainable development, no significant investment, no effective service delivery, and no safety and security,” said Batohi.

Meanwhile, the Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse CEO Wayne Duvenage said three things were fundamental and necessary to ensure an effective whistleblowing platform.

“Firstly, the tone needs to be set from the top, and it needs to empower potential whistleblowers. They need to feel they have agency and independence, and that their voices will be heard. Secondly, once you've created an environment in which people know they'll be listened to, you need to give them a voice. Finally, whistleblowers need to be confident that their actions are going to lead to action. If people are given a voice, but their words have no effect, people will stop speaking. Actionable reports need to lead to action, invariably,” said Duvenage.