CopperString 2032, Australia – update

30th June 2023 By: Sheila Barradas - Creamer Media Research Coordinator & Senior Deputy Editor

CopperString 2032, Australia – update

Name of the Project
CopperString 2032.

North Queensland, Australia.

Project Owner/s
The Queensland government will build and own CopperString 2032, continuing the commitment made through the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan that all the state’s transmission assets will be 100% publicly owned.

Publicly owned transmission business Powerlink will lead work on the project and the Queensland government will take ownership of the project from Queensland-based private company CuString.

Project Description
The project will connect vast renewable wind and solar resources with critical minerals mining and processing, which can be used to manufacture batteries and renewables in North Queensland.

The project proposes the construction of a 1 100 km, high-voltage transmission line to connect Mount Isa, Cloncurry and the North West Minerals Province to the national electricity grid.

Potential Job Creation
Construction is expected to support 800 direct jobs over six years, and thousands of new jobs in critical minerals mining, manufacturing and construction of renewables.

Capital Expenditure

Planned Start/End Date
Early works will start on the project in 2023, with construction planned to start in 2024. The project is expected to be completed by 2029.

Latest Developments
The Queensland government has set aside A$594-million in its budget to start construction of CopperString 2032.

Further, a A$20-million early works package for engineering and geotechnical work has been awarded to CIMIC group companies UGL and CPB Contractors.The package will cover detailed engineering design, field surveys, geotechnical surveys and geotechnical works.

The design and build contract is expected to be finalised later this year and will include an expanded 500 kV transmission line from Townsville to Hughenden, and associated works. With joint venture partners UGL and CPB Contractors on board, work on the transmission line will be fast-tracked, as well as associated works, to progress the project towards construction, starting in 2024.

Key Contracts, Suppliers and Consultants
None stated.

Contact Details for Project Information
CuString, tel  +61 7 3051 0527 or email