Cape Hardy advanced fuels project, Australia

14th June 2024 By: Sheila Barradas - Creamer Media Research Coordinator & Senior Deputy Editor

Cape Hardy advanced fuels project, Australia

Name of the Project
Cape Hardy advanced fuels project.

Cape Hardy Industrial Port Precinct, Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.

Project Owner/s
Iron Road and Amp Energy.

Project Description
The project is one of the leading green hydrogen, green ammonia and advanced fuel projects in Australia, and will provide production at scale with up to 10 GW of planned electrolyser capacity.

Development will be structured to initially bring 1 GW online, with incremental stages to reach 10 GW of total capacity. The project will cater to the domestic market, supporting the Australian government’s net-zero goals, while featuring global export capabilities. 

To facilitate distribution, Cape Hardy will be equipped with Australia’s first purpose-built advanced fuels export terminal.

Potential Job Creation
Amp currently estimates that about 4 000 direct and 6 000 indirect jobs will be created for the first gigawatt of electrolyser capacity.

Capital Expenditure
None stated.

Planned Start/End Date
None stated.

Latest Developments
The project’s concept, design and pre-front-end engineering design (FEED) phase have been studied and reviewed by two leading global engineering firms, Arup and Technip Technologies, as Amp targets the completion of pre-FEED studies for the first 1 GW electrolyser phase over the next months. 

FEED scoping and contracting is under way, before awarding the FEED contract in late 2024 or early 2025.

Key Contracts, Suppliers and Consultants
None stated.

Contact Details for Project Information
Iron Road, tel +61 8 8214 4400 or email
Amp Energy, email