Boegoebaai green hydrogen development, South Africa

26th May 2023 By: Sheila Barradas - Creamer Media Research Coordinator & Senior Deputy Editor

Boegoebaai green hydrogen development, South Africa

Name of the Project
Boegoebaai green hydrogen development.

The Namakwa Special Economic Zone (SEZ), in the Northern Cape, South Africa.

Project Owner/s

Project Description
The Boegoebaai development has been designated a Strategic Integrated Project (Sip) in the South African National Development Plan.

Sasol and the Industrial Development Corporation are funding a feasibility study to determine if it is feasible to build a global export hub for green hydrogen and ammonia at the port.

Boegoebaai already has an established hydrogen production plant. The expanded development is expected to include 60 000 ha adjacent to the existing plant.

The proposed SEZ will also feature an electrolyser park; a desalination plant; a green ammonia production plant; a storage facility for green hydrogen and ammonia; a solar, wind and battery park; a supplier park for common components; and a gigafactory, comprising an advanced manufacturing site to ramp up the production of electrolysers.

The outcomes of this feasibility study will determine the next step of development.

While the feasibility study is under way, the Northern Cape is considering how it can best position the province as a significant producer of green hydrogen and as a distribution hub for the export market.

As part of those plans, it intends to have 10 GW of electrolyser capacity

under construction at the Boegoebaai SEZ by 2025/26, to package 240 000 ha for the development of renewable-energy generation infrastructure, to partner with the private sector to build a green hydrogen pipeline system to connect projects

across the province to the SEZ, and to partner with State-owned freight and logistics group Transnet for the deployment of dedicated rail infrastructure to link green hydrogen producers to the SEZ, as well as other ports in the country by 2030.

Potential Job Creation
Not stated.

Capital Expenditure
Sasol has partnered with the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) who will provide joint funding for the feasibility study.

Planned Start/End Date
The feasibility study is expected to take about 24 months. The outcomes of this feasibility study will determine the next step of development.

Latest Developments
None stated.

Key Contracts, Suppliers and Consultants
None stated.

Contact Details for Project Information
Sasol senior manager: Group media relations and external communication Alex Anderson, tel +27 71 600 9605 and email