Bühler pursuing sustainable solutions for regional food security, safety

26th June 2024

Bühler pursuing sustainable solutions for regional food security, safety

From Creamer Media in Johannesburg, this is the Real Economy Report.

Sashnee Moodley:

Process solutions provider Bühler Southern Africa is looking to leverage the group’s global experience and innovation expertise, as well as its entrenched position in South Africa, to provide customers with sustainable solutions that can contribute to addressing the country’s and region’s food security challenges. Tasneem Bulbulia expands.  

Tasneem Bulbulia:  

The company, which has been operating in South Africa since 1972 and now employs about 220 people in the country, is committed to engendering safe and clean processes throughout the entire food value chain. Bühler Southern Africa MD Marco Sutter explains the challenge of food security for Africa.  

Bühler Southern Africa MD Marco Sutter...   

Tasneem Bulbulia:

Sutter outlines the company’s practical work to address food security challenges.

Bühler Southern Africa MD Marco Sutter...

Sashnee Moodley:

That’s Creamer Media’s Real Economy Report. Join us again next week for more news and insight into South Africa’s real economy. Don’t forget to listen to the audio version of our Engineering News daily email newsletter.