Baton Rouge polypropylene production unit, US – update

16th December 2022 By: Sheila Barradas - Creamer Media Research Coordinator & Senior Deputy Editor

Baton Rouge polypropylene production unit, US – update

Name of the Project
Baton Rouge polypropylene production unit.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in the US.

Project Owner/s

Project Description
ExxonMobil’s integrated operations in Baton Rouge include a refinery that can produce more than 500 000 bbl/d, as well as chemical, lubricants, polyolefins and plastics manufacturing. 

The polypropylene unit will expand production along the Gulf coast by up to 450 000 t/y, meeting growing demand for high-performance, lightweight and durable plastics, particularly for automotive parts that can improve fuel efficiency and reduce vehicle emissions.

Potential Job Creation
During construction, the project employed more than 650 workers and with full operational status, requires an additional 65 full-time ExxonMobil jobs.

Capital Expenditure
Total capital investment exceeded $500-million. 

Planned Start/End Date
ExxonMobil announced the successful startup of its new polypropylene production unit in December 2022.

Latest Developments
None stated.

Key Contracts and Suppliers
Turner Industries and Jacobs Engineering.

Contact Details for Project Information
ExxonMobi media relations, tel +1 832 625 4000.