Bargaining council says it is pivotal to civil engineering sector

3rd May 2024

Bargaining council says it is pivotal to civil engineering sector

The civil engineering industry is essential for infrastructure development

The Bargaining Council for the Civil Engineering Industry (BCCEI) emphasises that the civil engineering sector remains a cornerstone of infrastructure development and economic growth, comprising essential projects such as roads, bridges, dams and urban planning.

The BCCEI asserts that it is key in maintaining industrial harmony, setting standards and ensuring fair practices. BCCEI operations manager Lindie Fourie affirms that membership transcends regulatory obligations, representing a strategic asset for businesses in the civil engineering field.

“There are multifaceted benefits of belonging to the BCCEI, both for employers and employees in the civil engineering industry,” she continues. “Most importantly, the BCCEI is instrumental in establishing and enforcing industry standards that ensure sustainability in civil engineering projects.”

By adhering to standards that are developed in collaboration between employers' organisations and trade unions representing employees, members contribute to the industry's reputation for excellence and reliability, which is essential in securing local and international contracts.

“Facilitating fair employment practices is a fundamental responsibility of the BCCEI with one of its primary roles being to negotiate and enforce collective agreements that cover wages, working hours and other employment conditions. This ensures a level playing field for both employers and employees within the industry, preventing undercutting and unfair competition,” Fourie says.

For employers these agreements help to provide clarity and predictability, enabling effective planning and budgeting processes. For employees, they aim to ensure fair treatment and equitable pay, encouraging harmonious working conditions.

The BCCEI notes that it provides a structured mechanism, through its compliance department with designated agents who attend to disputes between employers and employees regarding any matter covered in the collective agreements, which can avert costly and time-consuming litigation.

The council also serves as an advocate for the civil engineering industry, representing its interests in discussions with government and other stakeholders.

Membership of the BCCEI offers a range of benefits, from helping to ensure fair employment practices and setting industry standards to providing dispute resolution services.