Anglo paid $23.5bn in taxes, economic contributions in 2023

27th June 2024 By: Darren Parker - Creamer Media Contributing Editor Online

Diversified mining major Anglo American paid about $23.5-billion in total tax and economic contributions throughout its global operations during 2023, a decrease from about $24.5-billion in 2022.

Payments in countries such as Brazil, Australia and the UK increased, while payments in South African fell the most among the countries in which Anglo operates. Payments to South Africa fell from about $9-billion in 2022 to about $7.5-billion in 2023.

The company revealed these figures in a report on payments to governments made by the company and its subsidiary undertakings for the year ended December 31, 2023, released on June 27.

In terms of taxes and royalties borne, South Africa saw a decrease from about $1.6-billion in 2022 to $831-million in 2023, while Australia went up from $774-million to about $1-billion.

Peru saw a large jump from $9-million to $223-million, with Zimbabwe also enjoying a large bump, going from $35-million in 2022 to $95-million in 2023.

The report also showed an increase in employment figures year-on-year, from 58 600 to 59 900, with increases in Australia, Botswana, Canada, Namibia and Peru being most notable.