Aluminium smelter project, Angola

27th January 2012 By: Lisete Bigala

Name and Location
Aluminium smelter project, Angola.

Project Description
The project includes the development of a 750 000-metric-ton-a-year aluminium smelter.

The project could use power from hydroelectric facilities under consideration by the government.

Angola has significant capacity for developing hydroelectric facilities and intends to use that capacity to attract energy-intensive industries to the country.

The country has committed to allocating 1 300 MW of firm power capacity to the aluminium industry.

Not stated.

If the project moves forward, first metal from the smelter will be produced in 2020.

Alcoa and Angola government.

Key Contracts and Suppliers
None stated.

Latest Developments
Alcoa has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the government of Angola to explore the development of a 750 000 t/y aluminium smelter using power from hydroelectric facilities under consideration by the government.

Under the agreement, both sides will begin a series of feasibility studies to determine the viability of the project.

The MoU provides for a 12-month exclusivity period to negotiate a power contract and cooperation agreement.

On Budget and on Time?
Too early to state.

Contact Details for Project Information
Alcoa media and corporate relations director Mike Belwood, tel +812 604 0530 or media and corporate relations manager Libby Archell, tel +212 836 2719.